By Nancy Nemes - MD Nemes Ventures, founder Ms. AI & #humanAIze
1. It is a baby boom year. How many babies will be named Corona?
Here is a good reading on this. An interesting AI that can predict demographic characteristics only knowing your name is Demografy which enables extracting consumer insights and actionable data without tracking, identifying or disclosing sensitive data of individual persons.

2. Pollution levels decrease globally, solutions for tackling climate change will emerge
Climate Informatics will explode such as improved prediction of extreme events, reconstructing past conditions using data collected from things like climate downscaling (as a result of a pandemic), or using large-scale models to predict climate change on a hyper-local level, as well as the socio-economic impacts of disruptive measures in pandemic times.
3. Disruptive business models accelerate in healthcare, pharma, transportation, logistics (Do you know Nuro, the American robotics company providing driverless grocery delivery service.)
In healthcare, complex algorithms and software will improve predictive analytics and emulate human cognition in the analysis of complicated medical data such as effects of a pandemic. Sifting through large amounts of data will help hospital administrators optimize performance and improve the use of existing resources, generating time and cost savings. Machine learning will allow assessments of chemical reactions of antibody among individual patients leading up to vaccine development.
4. It is a stress-test for startups helping them to grow and learn how to master crisis.
In the years ahead, startups will generate billions of enterprise value by providing tools for the ML development pipeline. Here is a great article: “A Massive Opportunity Exists To Build ‘Picks And Shovels’ For Machine Learning”
5. Human values & ethics will be redefined transforming the existing paradigms - a fervent Renaissance in politics, culture, economy, arts, technology (just look back in history).
Machine ethics (or machine morality) looks at the research of Artificial Moral Agents (AMAs), robots or artificially intelligent computers that behave morally. Academics and many governments have challenged the idea that AI can itself be held accountable. A pragmatic approach will make the difference between talking and doing.
6. A trillion market for testing & vaccines will emerge and make some people super rich but it will even cover markets where the people have low ability to pay because...
2 examples: 1. AlphaFold predicts the shapes of proteins when no similar structures are available; 2. Medical researchers at Australia’s Flinders University have designed an AI that has, for the first time, created a drug entirely by itself – a “turbocharged” version of the flu vaccine. Talent is scarce though – so great opportunity for universities and workforce for upskilling & reskilling.
7. …new philanthropy models will emerge to support the underprivileged.
Fundraising is about to change profoundly as AI will automate tedious tasks, such as help you write appeals, find new donors, figure out how much to ask for, and prioritize tasks, or sophisticated chatbots that answer potential supporters’ questions.
8. Agile workplace transformation with co-creation at the center.
Augmented workforce will improve work and business results, without taking away the human touch. Humans will decide how.
9. A huge data economy revolution with the ability to use AI to drive micro-insights
Digital Compliance strategies should unlock access to more high-quality data for innovation, while focusing on creating trust instead of fear.
10. Religion will transform - much to say about this...
Many questions can be posed, many answers can be given on the intersection of AI and religion, especially as related to human identity. What ‘religious’ functions might AI serve in future? Is a technological view on religion going to lead to a teleological atheist narrative? Can digital religious services replace some of the “stuffiness” on the physical worship place? Can and should AI innovate religion? Would we be interested in VR experiences and maybe even using chatbots to offer religious guidance? Should we attempt to program robots to have some sense of morality (ie to better themselves)?