Open Letter to the Presidents of the 177 countries with Covid-infected people, leaders of the regional, global and local organizations, the EU Commission, EU Parliament, WEF, UN, WHO, all political parties regardless of colour, national and international health organizations.

Dear Worldwide Leaders,
We are writing this open letter for the sake of humanity. As everyone else, we are extremely concerned to see the health systems are close to break down and it is a miracle how the healthcare workers are still delivering the way they are.
We have a tremendous opportunity to use technology, data analytics and human cognition jointly to tackle the disease now and get prepared for the next pandemic, so that no one is taken by surprise anymore.
Today, we are by far not investing sufficient brain power and technology power to solve the Covid pandemic. If we continue like this, we will deliberately prolong contamination, infection and succumbing to the disease.
We propose the immediate creation of a Global Pandemic Artificial Intelligence Committee consisting of inter-disciplinary experts to tackle the issue. This decision should be made now by those who have the power to do it. Rather than acting in siloes of apparent collaboration, humanity requires and deserves to:
Stop the proliferation of meaningless data points and accelerate using Big Data and Artificial Intelligence techniques combined with human analysis to come up with a deeper, broader, more connected and insightful quantitative & qualitative investigation on the various viruses (compare and contrast SARS-CoV-2, SARS 1, Influenza, HIV, Ebola etc) broken down by age segments, geography, virulence of contamination, infection rates vs death rates vs recovery rates, progression over days, weeks and years - to understand existing and emerging clusters of cases
A playbook with global recommendations for responsible and ethical data sharing and rules for sharing effectively anonymized health-data such as: electronic health records of flu-like symptoms, sales of related medications, inventory and sales numbers of related materials needed in hospitals and retail drugstores, analysis of trends such as rise in avg body temperature in a given geographical area – to quickly build trust with the population regarding privacy, security and ownership of their data sets
An online portal for sharing AI best practices, insights and learnings - to avoid surprises in the future
A connected and shared AI research power - to quickly advance diagnostics, treatment and research
Action in real time is required now. The signatories of this letter and the Ms. AI community are ready to support.
Nancy Nemes (Founder Ms. AI & #humanAIze)
Prof. Dr. Michael Dowling (Professor at University of Regensburg)
Gabriele Zedlmayer (Social Innovator)
Benjamin Ruschin (Founder We Are Developers)
Eszter Debreczeni (Founder esthra)
Marcy Simon (Founder & CEO Agent of Change, NYC USA)
