By Nancy Nemes - MD Nemes Ventures, founder Ms. AI and #humanAIze
One of the focus areas at Nemes Ventures is to spread knowledge and valuable insights on how new digital technologies are driving large-scale transformation and competitiveness in a world of improved connectivity and data pervasiveness.
Cybersecurity, cloud computing, Internet of Things, Blockchain, big data analytics, 3D printing, biotech, pharacogenomics, robotics and automation, energy storage and Artificial Intelligence are going to solve crucial problems for the public and private sectors and the advancements drive out of Africa shall benefit the entire world.
Today, I would like to share an African poem found on GIST - one of the ventures of John Kamara, a pioneer in Artificial Intelligence in Africa. And to feature some of the great resources John and his team are creating for Africa and the world.
I met John Kamara as we were both speaking and collaborating at the AI for Good conference last year in Geneva. We hit it off immediately as we share interest and activities in high tech and our work is focused on supporting exponential growth for people and businesses.

John is a visionary and thought leader with experience in new markets and verticals across multiple sectors. He is the former CEO of Cortex Logic, one of the top AI companies in South Africa and the founder of the AI driven Adalabs and Afyarekod. John is also a Director of the Machine Learning Institute of Africa in Capetown. Here are a few great resources John is making available to ensure no one is left behind in AI in Africa:
· Corona Virus animation for kids. Created by Viku Animation Studios from Kenya, this short film presents Kiki na Ella - an animation series in which Kiki na Ella explain how to protect ourselves and our family members from the Corona Virus. In an educative and fun way, with great graphics and sound, Kiki and Ella are teaching kids what social distancing is and why to apply it to protect yourself, your parents and your grandparents – watch, use, share
· At ADA LABS AFRICA John and his team are building the next generation of social impact and community driven entrepreneurs who will change the world from Africa – check out their startups and partners
· Afya Rekod of Kenya, is a consumer driven medical record storage platform, with the mission to advance public health in Africa. The platform allows users to store their medical records, prescriptions, medication, test , x-ray and much more so they can gain access to better healthcare services throughout Africa and globally. Users maintain full control of their stored data at any time; the platform is the intelligent partner in well-being for each and every user. They are partnering with GIST Initiatives to scale and grow into sustainable impact businesses. Smart philanthropy, serving humanity and sustaining our planet are at the core of their activities. One of their principles is that they think humanity should be served by wealth and not ruled by it
· A Webinar is being offered in partnership with CIO East Africa on Thursday April 30 on How Artificial Intelligence Can Assist in Curbing the Pandemic - Register here
A young African poet wrote the following lines as she sat in Liberia, at her window, watching emergency crews dealing with the 2014-2015 Ebola crisis:
“ …So world, we are here, On this hand-washing, Temperature-taking, Emotion-wrecking, Friends-avoiding, Hugs and handshake-prohibiting, Nonstop Ebola ride.”
From the poem, “Ebola Ride”, Under Ducor Skies, by Liberian Poet, Patrice Juah
For my part, I am simply jazzed by the opportunities humankind has to make the use of Artificial Intelligence beneficial for everyone. Equality and inclusion, security and justice are at the same time a challenge and an opportunity on our path towards sustainable progress.
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