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The Proust QuestionnAIre

Writer's picture: Nancy NemesNancy Nemes

Today, we are starting a new series of educational content on Artificial Intelligence: The Proust QuestionnAIre. Marcel Proust, the French essayist and novelist, believed that, in answering these questions, an individual reveals his or her true nature.

The questionnaire was not invented by Proust, it rather has its origins in a popular parlor game of late-19th-century Europe called the confession album. As we present the questionnAIre, I thought you might have fun reading the answers from some of the most important European experts on AI.

The first in this series is the wonderful Denis Rothman. Here is our interpretation of the basic Proust QuestionnAIre:

__1.__What is your idea of perfect Artificial Intelligence? AI that remains a tool.

__2.__What is your greatest fear about Artificial Intelligence? That humanity's maturity doesn't match AI's technical progress.

__3.__What is your motto for Artificial Intelligence? Explore New Frontiers and Discover exciting Horizons!

__4.__Which Artificial Intelligence living or dead person do you most admire? Frank Rosenblatt.

__5.__What is your greatest technical extravagance? Civilization.

__6.__What is your current state of mind as related to Robots? Robots using AI could boost our efficiency.

__7.__What do you consider the most overrated virtue? Human intelligence.

__8.__What do you most dislike about the appearance of a Robot? When it tries to look like a human although it could have a more innovative appearance.

__9.__What is the most important aspect of big amounts of data to you? AI learning reliability.

__10._What do Algorithms mean to you? Everything!

__11._What is the greatest AI achievement of your life? AI Algorithms that began as mind experiments and ended up being used by corporations to this day

__12._If you could change one thing about Artificial Intelligence, what would it be? Calling it "Artificial Intelligence" instead of "Machine Intelligence".

__13._What is your biggest aversion as related to Artificial Intelligence? That anyone could think of an aversion. It's only what humans do with AI that can generate aversion, not AI itself.

Now tell us -- How would you answer these questions?

Marcel Proust in 1900. Image credit: Wikipedia.



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