Check out practical knowledge about Artificial Intelligence:
Check out these 30 mins online discussions on Artificial Intelligence with global experts and their solutions and ideas.
DigiKompetenz Podcast mit Nancy Nemes: From Philosophers to Polymaths - AI Evolution and Insights for Business Leaders
Listen to this captivating conversation Nancy had with Philipp Ramin and Anne Koark - about the future deep competence, the importance of polymaths, the promise of enhancement by technology, the meaning of Poincaré, Kant and Einstein for AI. And much more...
The Proust QuestionAIre with Nancy Nemes
Inspired by her book The Proust QuestionnAIre: Artificial Intelligence in a stunningly diverse & insightful way, a conversation with Nancy Nemes by Ciprian Borodescu in which he challenged her to answer some of her own questions around AI.
Women in AI Germany with Nancy Nemes
What role will AI have in the post-Corona world? A speech by Nancy Nemes

Winning at Business and Life with Nancy Nemes
6 questions. 7 minutes. Pure insights. Episode 187: Successful business leaders take a humanistic view about artificial intelligence. Wise words from Nancy Nemes, CEO of Nemes Ventures.
Check out the 23 short videos with global AI experts explaining AI, and the 30 mins podcasts of our FridAI Facts series!
The EVENTS TOUR 2020 - 2025
We have many speaking engagements, aiming to enable people to understand, engage, share and thrive with AI. Contact us if you would like to invite Nancy Nemes to speak at your event!


State of AI: Europe – stagnate or accelerate?

Keynote by Nancy Nemes at this exclusive, invite-only event for AWS partners.

Keynote by Nancy Nemes


Keynote by Nancy Nemes on game-changing Generative AI (18 Nov 2023)

Keynote bei Nancy Nemes "Wandel durch KI: Generative KI als Thema der Gegenwart"

31 March 2022 #workculture22

17 March 2022 Artificial Intelligence and Business Transformation - audioevent on LinkedIn

March 10, 2022 Empowering business for tomorrow: Decoding the digital future in Germany

January 2022 Podcast hosted by Priya Keshav

22 November 2021 Expert discussion led by AI's most beautiful mind Denis Rothman with Nancy Nemes and other experts on How to Face the Extinction of Classical AI?

17-18 November 2021 Nancy Nemes will do a keynote at this top initiative which aims to boost the Lithuanian AI ecosystem by the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology of Lithuania.

26 October 2021 Opening keynote by Nancy Nemes at this top level online conference for Startups, gathering thousands of founders, VCs, executives, seed fund partners, general partners, journalists and bloggers from diverse backgrounds and industries.

8 June 2021 Nancy Nemes will be discussing Ethical AI and Best Practices at #CognitiveVirtual with global AI experts & leaders from Boston Consulting Group, UNICRI - United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute Novartis Foundation Ringier AG Microsoft World Economic Forum and many more

9 March 2021 A discussion led by host Chip Borodescu with Nancy Nemes and inspired by her book The Proust QuestionnAIre: Artificial Intelligence in a stunningly diverse & insightful way. Chip challenged Nancy to answer some of her own questions around AI.

1 Dec 2020: Nancy Nemes keynote on the AI Mindset for Accelerated Business Impact

30 Nov 2020: Democratizing AI

17 Nov 2020: Nancy Nemes discusses Innovation in the Next Normal – HOW technology accelerates Transformation

11 Nov 2020: Keynote and panel on WhAI a human-centric approach matters, and how can you successfully apply AI for your business and people leadership

6-7 Nov 2020: Ideas for critical times
The Ms. AI 2018 TOUR
The newly formed initiative Ms. AI has been launched in 2018. Below you can see all the places where we've introduced it for the first time and how. We are delighted with the amazing resonance and thank all our partner for the great support.
Contact us if you would like to invite Ms. AI to your event!

Nürnberg, DE 3 - 4 December The Digital Summit is the central platform for cooperation on shaping a forward-looking policy framework for the digital transformation. Major focus of the event this year is AI.

Berlin, DE 22 November Organized by Aspen Institute Germany, the German Stanford Association and Harvard Club of Berlin, this Thanksgiving diner with special guest Amir Eshel, Stanford University, Dr. Thomas Sparr, Suhrkamp Verlag. Moderation by Rüdiger Lentz, Director of the Aspen Institute. Ms. AI is proudly joining as this is among the first events for the newly formed initiative.

Berlin, DE 20 November Europe's digital single market - are we there yet? With Dr. Matthias Bauer, Sr Economist at the European Centre for International Political Economy, Luukas Ilves, Deputy Director & Sr Fellow at The Lisbon Council, and Tyson Barker, Program Director & Fellow at the Aspen Institute Germany

Berlin, DE 20 November 2018 Kapituliert unsere wertebasierte Führung vor der Digitalisierung? Attendance: Initiiert von Dr. Kay P. Hradilak, Aspen Leadership Alumnus, Mitglied des Vereins der Freunde und Business Chief Consultant bei SAP Deutschland

Munich, DE 8 November About the Art to re-invent yourself & Ms. AI pre-announcement in Germany Attendance: 30+ top female German leaders from marketing and sales & special guest Helga Rabl-Stadler, President of the Salzburger Festspiele

Barcelona, ES 25 October Presentation and discussion on Artificial Intelligence and connected life in the 21st century & Ms. AI pre-announcement Attendance: 40 global C-level & decision making agency people https://www.interdirectnetwork.com/events-idn-fall/

Varna, BG 19 October We are honored to be on the Panel #womenintech and to be speaking at the conference along with EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel and so many other brilliant people, introducing Ms. AI for the first time in Europe! Attendance: 3000+ global cross industry people https://innowavesummit.com/home-en/ My impressions
AI is a driving force for change and not a threat to humanity, if used ethically. We advise on all things AI:
To understand the fundamentals of AI and its impact on our life
To identify a strong AI strategy for the digital era
To grow AI from a technical tool to a strategic business partner
To decide when, why and how to map your data to build relevant AI
Ethics is a nascent field in AI, and so we are advising on:
How to build ethical cultures in the AI era
What is AI safety, transparency and opacity
What impact will AI have on women
How to design algorithms that are robust against manipulation
We conduct Workshops, Think Tanks, Hackathons, Webcasts on AI topics.
Check out our video interviews with AI Experts!
Contact us for more details!
Learn about the types of AI:
ANI (Artificial Narrow Intelligence),
AGI (Artificial General Intelligence),
ASI (Artificial Superhuman Intelligence)
Learn about Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Deep Learning. And programming languages such as Python, Hadoop, R.
Learn "Core Human Skills" necessary for the human-machine-interaction: Creativity, Critical Thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Social Influence, Persuasion, Negotiation, Factstelling and Storytelling
Understand how to drive ART in Artificial to Adopt - Relate - Translate AI into the most inclusive human solution at all levels